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Each edition of the IntegrityStar features an actual investigation conducted by the investigative offices here at UCF (note, however, all names have been changed in an effort to provide confidentiality of the parties involved). In this edition, we’ll share details on one of the substantiated cases contained in the 2023 UCF IntegrityLine Report.



An anonymous student submitted a report to the UCF IntegrityLine alleging that their professor had been handing out stacks of exams to students for them to sort through and find their own exam. The student stated there were approximately 200 students in the class and the exams were identifiable by name as well as a grade at the front of the exam which was seen by students who were looking through the stacks. University Compliance and Ethics engaged the University Registrar and initiated a joint investigation.


Investigators substantiated the allegation that the professor had inappropriately allowed students to sort through stacks of exams to find their own exam. Under FERPA, student grades are educational records and are considered confidential. In most circumstances educational records cannot be released without written and signed consent of the student. In interviewing the professor, they stated that they had already discontinued this practice but had started it because they were unable, due to workload, devote the time necessary to personally hand out exams to each student. The professor stated that the students would ask questions or seek guidance upon receipt of their exams and with such a large class size, the process of handing out the exams would take an overwhelming amount of time.


Investigators spoke with the chair of the department, who committed to assigning teaching assistants on test distribution days and/or finding other means of addressing the concern for not only this professor but also other professors teaching very large classes.


We appreciate the student who identified this as an issue and felt comfortable enough to bring it forward to the UCF IntegrityLine allowing the university the opportunity to correct the issue.

If you become aware of a situation that you believe is not in accordance with UCF regulations, policies, procedures, or standards of conduct, please report it through the available reporting mechanisms or submit a report through the UCF IntegrityLine.